Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

So, where was that 'line' then?

I think you have to use msn messenger a lot to understand just how funny it can be, and to be able to 'read' other peoples exchanges. The style of communication changes so much between one person and that same personand another person. If you know what I mean....

But when someone you haven't seen for well over a year, and not chatted to for an age, can pre-empt you like this in the midst of general chit chat:
Sally says (20:20):
She won't be salsa-ing for a while though, she's heavily preggers with number 2.
Frit says (20:21):
number 2!!!!!!!!
Frit says (20:21):
what - did she buy some interior shelving and stack them???
Sally says (20:22):
no, just the usual way - one at a time
Frit says (20:22):
and 'fresh air' - been called worse
Frit says (20:22):
she was very good value
Frit says (20:22):
what you guys do together
Sally says (20:22):
Frit says (20:22):
Sally says (20:22):
Frit says (20:22):
just like old times
Frit says (20:22):
Sally says (20:22):
Frit says (20:22):
Frit says (20:23):
pissing myself
Frit says (20:23):
very loudly
Then it is either time to get a new party trick, or just treasure the understanding!

Love ya Sal.