Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Asset or vice?

It is interesting when you find yourself compelled to ruminate over your own strengths and weaknesses. Having worked under some average project managers in the past - I had the rather disconcerting experience of asking myself today, 'am I that guy?'. Hence the following 'internal conversation and self diagnosis (if you think I am letting a 'head type professional' near this 'subject' - think again).
I think I have good attention to detail - outcome - fixation over every little detail (my responsibility or otherwise).

My perception and ability to visualise the potential impacts of decisions isn't bad - hence immediately questioning any proposal put forward. Then fixating on all possible ramafications.

I like to organise and be organised - outcome - planning what needs to be done and realising I was running out of time to actually do what has just been organised. Time to re-jig the original plan....

I like to assume responsibility (invited or not!) - outcome - an unconcious martyr mentality. When undertaking a critical self assessment - martyr and primma donna become disconcertingly blurred.

Confidence has never fooled me. Many people perceived me to be 'out there', confident, even arrogant [ouch, but fair - Ed]. If you know me well enough to be reading this, you know that my biggest fear is that others will detect what I already know about me (the doubts, the fears, the entirely normal stuff) - but I manage to hide those things adequately, more often than not.
The proceeding ramble is the result of a rather full on couple of days at work. Don't think for a moment that I am not enjoying it - it is a fantastic opportunity, the people are great and I am sure all will work out well.

But I figure if you lot are going to venture this little spec of the world wide inter web - then occassionally I should feed up some un(self)edited stream of conciousness bollocks, read it the next day, and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Because chances are, tomorrow will bring a completely different state of mind.

Whether I tell you about it or not - who knows?