Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bless Xtra News

Well I couldn't resist - a quick msn conversation with MJD and the news that the Election date has been set - game on. So I am sat here catching up on NZ news and watching Helzilla looking quite uncomfortable in various interviews. Paul Henry in particular seemed hell bent on been balanced - despite being (indirectly) on the Govt payroll.

It takes a true politico geek to admit that I almost wish that I was home. Having dinner with Mum, Mike, Peter Malc and Dunc to be exact. Lively, rousing with the potential to become troublesome!

Without reverting back to My Right type - all I will say is that it is nice to have a genuine contest to watch from a far! And it is only fair to warn that there will be comment (generously funded by the vast right wing conspiracy) here...