Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

It's official - Payroll is evil

The fact that it is a 'necessary evil' only serves to make it all the more loathsome. Probably the worst day since I have been here. Getting things sorted out felt like whipping cream with a knitting needle.

If I hear, 'yeah, it should be right' one more time, I swear I do someone a mischief. I even caught myself uttering a dad'ism to my team today; "Come on team, could we show a little urgency please!". I had a smile when Dad's voice popped into my head with some reassuring words - 'Don't panic, you'll get there - you always have. Head down and make it happen, son.'

Dad made management look easy, that is probably what convinced me that I wanted to be a manager. I now know 2 things for sure: firstly - damn he was good! Secondly, it wasn't really as easy as he made it look - and that is part of being good.

I have to work on not allowing myself to wear my stress on my face. In fact, I need to stress less full stop.

Time to leave and start again tomorrow. But tomorrow won't come before a couple of wines and a freckin flash dinner with Kathryn in Camden. Cost will not be considered this evening. "Dear Frit, treat yourself! Lots of love, Frit (you silly, but lovable little man)." [Oh dear god, he's talking to himself again - Ed]