Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Monday, September 19, 2005

So what now?

It is hard to know what to make of the Election result really - and to provide any meaningful analysis will take more time than I have to spare. So a few quick thoughts:
I am pleased Act survived - agree with them or not - they add quality to the debate. And the way Act survived was absolutely consistent with their ethos - good old fashioned hard work.

I am pleased for the Maori Party and I hope that they establish themselves as credible, and responsible, advocates for Maori. If they do, then that could be a good time to review the Maori seats.

National are back. With the extra seats comes the funding, the bigger research unit, the extra questions at question time, more media profile etc. Now they just need to get John Key some more media training (less smirking for starters) and start an orderly handover from the Don in a year or so.

Hone Harawira is a Member of Parliament - it is ironic that Dover Samuels is the man he beat - given that the entire nation are probably pissing themselves with nervous anticipation. In fairness - I would have said the same about Sue Bradford last time round and she has been very good. Surprise me Hone.

Labour are odds on to form the next Government - good luck! As I said before the Election - this could be a good one to lose. The Greens, Maori, Progressives and still needing Winston on confidence and supply - messy...

Peter Dunne proved that losing a truckload of MP's and having your share of the vote shattered is no reason to stop sounding haughty and supercilious. Git.

Helen, assuming she cobbles together some sort of Government, will take her place in NZ political history as the first Labour leader to win three terms. Fair play - she is a quality politician. [That wasn't easy for him - Ed]

The people of Tauranga have woken up.

The people of Wigram haven't.
It is easy to get dramatic about things such as Elections, but in the end, I am sure NZ will remain a great place to live (and the only place I want to bring up kids) - regardless of who is actually running the shop.