Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A quick word on the Maori Seats

Personally, I do not support National's proposal to abolish the Maori seats if it forms the next Government. Not because I believe the Maori seats are necessary in an MMP environment, where party lists should ensure balanced representation. But because I believe they are part of New Zealand's current constitutional fabric (even though we don't actually have one) and should not be done away with at the whim of one political party. Nor should they be used as a cosy vote winner.

Further, two observations:

First - It won't happen! Even if National leads the next Government - they will drop this policy during the coalition negotiations. I suspect this was always the plan and could be a rare glimpse of strategic brilliance from the Nats. (Again I point out that I do not like that the Maori seats being used in this way - but it's not bad politics if this indeed was the plan).

Second - a little less hysteria please! One common argument I do disagree with is that doing away with the race based seats 'will disenfranchise Maori'. Maori will simply have the same voting rights as all New Zealanders. The proposal is to move from a rather patronising race based voting system to a non-racial one. One person, one vote, one democratic system for all. Simple.

That said, the decision to remove them should be part of a much needed constitutional review (one that goes further and looks a little deeper than changing the flag please) - not a policy plank for Electioneering purposes.