Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The game's not for everyone!

Email from back home - lovingly reproduced and unedited (cheers Geez!):
Re the FWC

I am very uneducated in the game we call Soccer (in our house it's a game for pansies - however I'm open to giving it a whirl), also I decided to back the Dingos since they live next to us and we are dead useless at the game so if you can't beat em - join em - anyway they got the arse yesterday over what I call a controversial referee call.

Anyway - watching the Spain/France game this morning, at about the 70 minute mark and some French geezer pushes over a Spanish geezer and then the French guy puts on a hollywood "oh he has hit my face" type of carryon (meanwhile signor from Spain is holding his hands up going "what the f*ck - you can't be serious ref - I didn't do anything!") but yes, the brilliant acting of the Frenchman puts this poor dude in the bin AND then they go and score a goal to be 2-1 up (later on another French goal was scored much easily which indicates they did have the upper hand - but still)
I think they should have a TMO for this sort of thing...

I have decided that Soccer is for very talented people and I love the way some score long distance goals, but some of them do deserve an Oscar for their acting ability. Could you imagine Fitzy? He'd go over and punch him, or worse still, Richard Loe would poke his eyes out for being such a woos.

Some do have hot bodies - there are a few calendars ciculating around the ladies email systems - woof - don't mind if I do.

So I guess I'll have to now support England, only as you do Frit - that guy Wayne Rooney seems a bit arrogant if you ask me - I reckon Fitzy would put him quickly in his place.
Well, quite!