Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What am I missing??

Here in London the tubes on the main lines run, quite literally, every couple of minutes. Yet if a Londoner sees a tube at a platform, even if they 'sense one near' for that matter, they leg it. Head down, bolting, to catch the train as though it is the last flight to heaven.

They seem totally possessed by the need to make that particular tube. The real bugger is that I end up getting hit with women and children that are thrown backwards in the rush. It really does look most undignified and seems so unnecessary.

What am I missing??