Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Ahhh, London….

3.30am, peaceful London night – the air is crisp and still, the trees unmoved. The birds are waking just hours away from performing the early morning chorus. Frit and Buzz lie asleep (in isolation!) dreaming of [don’t ruin it – Ed] sunny summer days spent idling away hours on the heath as children all around discover new ways to hurt themselves and each other. And then a basketball sized terracotta pot comes flying through the window in the lounge followed by some thieving little gobshite with an eye for iMac laptops.

Yup – got burgled last night, it was unbelievable. The little punks had obviously cased the joint during the day and new exactly what they wanted and where it would be. Launched something through the window, kicked out some more glass and where in and out in around 30 seconds. By the time I was out of bed and out of the bedroom door – they were heading down the road.

All a bit scary really – but it is pretty obvious that these were just chancers, not hardened types looking to rummage through the place. But I am still quite rarked up that some little prick has decided to help themselves, not to mention the bloody mess! There must be more professional ways of breaking a window than lobbing a ruddy great terracotta pot, top soil included, through it!?!?!

I can’t believe they only took Buzz’s laptop as well (fully vindicating my policy of sleeping with mine – incidentally) – there was an iPod sitting right next to it that they didn’t touch. Amateurs! The Police were round in a flash and were very nice, if not a tad ho-hum about it all, understandable when it happens a few times a night I suppose.

Given there experience in such matters however – I did have to laugh when the female PC sat down to write up her incident report – looked at what was left of the window and said (with a perfectly straight face) ‘and is this the point of entry?’

‘Well possibly’ I replied as her colleague advised us that it would be a good idea to have the window replaced. You can’t teach that sort of practicality!

All a bit of drama really – and kind of overshadows the other bit of news re the flat situation. That can wait ‘til tomorrow.