Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Sitting here on a Sunday arvo having a quick peruse of some NZ news I saw this headline on Stuff:
Race commissioner tells student mags to get responsible
19 May 2006
It could only go downhill from here, and indeed it did... Commenting on the publication of an image of Chairman Mao (that well known poster boy of democracy) in a student mag - Mr De Bore waded in with this:
Mr De Bres said the problem is when that "sense of humour" crosses the line – "when stereotypes that manifestly by anecdote, research or observation, experience higher levels of discrimination than others."

"The fact is that at the moment in terms of surveys we've done Asian people are amongst those who face the most discrimination in New Zealand," he said.

"Now is not the best time to be exercising your sense of humour."

Mr De Bres there was no greater case of a stereotype being wrong than with the suggestion that Asian students are bad drivers.

"If you go to the police or Road Safety New Zealand you'll find the stereotypes about Asian drivers just do not stack up," he said.
This guy is a tax payer funded mouth piece of tolerance and understanding, his mantra apparently, 'none of your native humour please - we might not get it'.

I shouldn't let it - but this sort of bollocks does wind me up. And claiming that Asians are the most discriminated against may stack up in a targeted poll - but go into any school playground and answer me this question:

Whose job is it to protect the ginga's?'

No wonder they're angry.