Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Pinko media

I know people must get bored hearing people on 'the right' complaining about the ''left leaning' media, if you are one of those people, best you stop reading now.

Over the last week even I have been absolutely stunned by the op ed pages of the Dom Post and The Herald. There is absolutely no attempt whatsoever to hide the fact that almost every single contributor is leaning so far left they have to make themselves temporarily vertical to get through a doorway.

Take this charming intro to a Dom Post editorial:
This election campaign gets weirder by the day, writes The Dominion Post in an editorial.

Apart from the ping-pong opinion polls, the prime minister sails on unfazed, National proves daily that it doesn't get MMP, and now, out of the woodwork, crawls Christianity's equivalent of the Taleban, backing a party led by a man whose vote ensured the Prostitution Reform Act was passed.
'the prime minister sails on unfazed' - for the love of god!! I know Helzilla sucks lemons for fun - but can you honestly describe her hissy fits during (and complaints after) the debates as the actions of ann unfazed woman?

Then there's the Labour Gazette's (aka NZ Herald's) pretense of editorial balance:
National spent much time trying to draw thin parallels with trade union support for the Labour Party. It had half a point. Wealthy unions do purport to be separate from Labour for Electoral Act purposes but use considerable sums of advertising in support of the policies of one party and against the other major contender.
'It had half a point' - for the love of Christchurch!! Half a point! A bunch of religious nutters distribute some pamphlets saying that National is the party that is most closly aligned to their particular moral position and value set - so what! Christ, there is documented evidence showing the PSA is actually working for Labour, by arranging for 600,000 letters to be sent out (and, unlike thhe Brethren folk, the PSA is hardly a voluntary organisation now that people on collective contracts are forced to join the bloody union). Lobby groups lobby for their own best interests - big deal.

To call this story a bit of a beat up is the equivalent of saying that Rodney King got tickled. There is NO STORY here. Yet this has been the lead story for days. Are there not more important things to be writing about?

And before anyone comes back and says that the real issue here is 'about Brash's credibility', and that that is why this is such a big issue - bog off. Brash was aware that the Brethren group supported National, yes. He knew they had a mail drop in mind, affirmative. When asked about a specific pamphlet that he had not seen - he said he did not know who was behind it. When he was told (2 days later) that the Brethren had distributed it, and did he know anything about it, he said he was aware that they had the intention to do it. Does that really speak to credibility? At least he didn't claim to have painted the damn thing (and then slap a signiture on it).

If the papers wanted to do an objective credibiltiy check between Labour annd National, I would be all for it, but I'm not holding my breath.