Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Well - I did ask for it

A couple of days ago Ma left the following comment:
Enlighten me so I am that much wiser. Remember you told me you were out to find some compatible female company within the next month. Report please on progress.
mother kiwi log | 01.18.06 - 6:22 pm | #
Now I am not one to hide behind a 'you asked for it' defence - but Ma - you did enquire, so over the weekend I shall endeavour to find a tactful way to tell you what a 'FB' is!

Meanwhile everything else carries on. Out at Uxbridge this morning, the ultimate arm pit of London, and then back to West Ken this afternoon. Buzz is having a dinner party tonight so I think it wise to leave them to it and hook up with Boy for a few instead.

Definitely, seriously and properly like looking for a place this weekend!