Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Practicality and pondering

I can't believe it is less than 2 months until I will be home - I can't wait! Thinking about it is also making me realise how quickly I will devour three weeks catching up with as many people as humanly possible!

So many things to do, people I would love to see, places I need to be. Ticket is booked leaving here on the 6th of December - straight to Auckland and then down to Wellies to get old a couple of days later. Wicky wah! Seeing Ma and the rest of the fam, especially the little'uns.

Revelry and merrymaking to be sure, and damned fine larks no doubt. So I am sitting here all excited [and more than a little bit saccharine - Ed] having a nice time relishing the prospect when bloody practical Frit kicked in. Ahem, there is the small matter of a flight to get me back here to organise....

For the first time since I have been here I pondered a small and simple question, what the hell I am doing with my life? Not in a bad way - but in a chin stroking, head to the side, 'hhmmm' sort of way.

Do I need to book a return ticket? Not sure.

Do I think I will be back here for more than 12 months? Probably.

Can I picture going 12 months or more without seeing the fam? Nup.

Does it matter - can't I just go with the flow and not over analyse absolutely every bloody thing? Not likely.

Anyway - can't wait to get home. Still making plans - but it is looking like Wellies for a week, Auckland for a bit, Taupo for Christmas and off on the 29th - any must be at happening, let me know!