Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

At least it doesn't mean 'severe companion!'

OK - so there is no delicate way around this. No gentle phrasing, no flowery language. Forget misplaced modesty - that won't cut it. Nor will a protraced rambling introduction prevent the inevitable. The fact is that the question has been asked, and no matter how uncomfortable, an answer has been promised - and I am not the type to mess around - I like to get straight to the point. Take the bull by the horns and front up to the challenge. There will be no relenting - well not a lot...

FB stands for 'fuck buddy' (sorry Ma!) and according to Wikipedia:
A casual relationship (also referred to as a friend with benefits, cut friend, or fuck buddies) is a term used to describe the physical and emotional relationship between two unmarried people who engage in uncommitted sex acts.
So there you have it - apparently it has been suggested that I need some 'casual sex'. This in inself raises some questions - what exactly is casual sex? Sex, to me, has always been a fairly frantic affair - certainly not casual! I hear the phrase casual sex and picture trying to leaf through a book whilst engaging in the most initimate of human relations. Not something I can really imagine - nor desire to be honest.

I also struggle with the notion of an 'umcommitted relationship' - I have always thought the 2 to be mutually exclusive. Having said that - I resisted the temptation to get on a train to Brighton and caveman for the weekend and ended up having a bit of a bender with Boy et al on Friday night. A bit of harmless snogging with Jess was as far as things went though.

It did set me thinking that it might be nice to have a significant other - and moves may be made to recruit that person sooner rather than later. In the meantime, Ma relax, there will be no insignificant other (or 'FB').