Welcome to Kiwi Log - the musings of a displaced Kiwi experiencing the many delights of London, can't wait for the 'black snot'! I make no apologies to anyone that doesn't get the 'in jokes' - you should have gotten to know me better when you had the chance.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Replication Paradox

My book on infinity theory is interesting, if heavy going at times - but you don't need a passage like this on the tube on the way to work at half seven in the morning!
In a universe of infinite size, anything that has a non-zero probability of occurring must occur infinitely often. Thus at any instant of time - for example, the present moment - there must be an infinite number of identical copies of each of us doing precisely what each of us is now doing. There are also an infinite numbers of identical copies of each of us doing something other than what we are doing at this moment. Indeed, an infinite number of copies of each of us could be found at this moment doing anything that it was possible for us to do with a non-zero probability at this moment.
For the love of Christchurch! Innocently tucked away on page 184, can I be forgiven for accusing the author of dropping a bit of a philosophical bombshell without warning?!?!

Read it again and consider the implications.

If you are lying on your death bed negotiating the impending termination of your mortal existence with your maker, could you ask him, politely I would suggest, to consider one of the infinite other 'Frit's' for a place upstairs?

If you bumped into yourself, would you realise it? Would you get on? I’d imagine you would get pissed off with the other you finishing your sentences! Try telling a joke and you could bet you would be one line into it before ‘he’ started heckling – ‘heard it!’ Well of course we’ve bloody heard it!

It does depend whether you consider the infinite nature in terms of space or time - but freaky whichever way you look at it if you ask me!

Sal - not philosophical - but thought it might add legs to your morning coffee!