After a bit of pressure over the last few days, last night it was time to get back to Earth by seeking familiar voices. So the mobile bill took a hammering (the landline for broadband purposes is very purposely run up against the wall - white tacked in key (out of sight) places; it didn't seem to warrant disturbing that for the sake of 50 quid).
Anyways - that is by the by. I had a great catch up with Nick and the girls - no one warned me that Georgia (N&D's youngest) was going to get on the blower and
actually talk to me! Very cute; and a sure way to make the home sick pangs kick in.
Then Ma, making arrangements for when she is here. I finished the conversation with 'no probs Ma, lovely to talk. I'll check out your travel plans and ring to confirm things next week'. To which she delicately replied - 'you daft git - I'll be on my way by then!' Gods toenails - wheels are turning quickly - and I'm asleep at the wheel at the moment. One week to get Camp 2 Doors in order (as we all know, it will take less than two minutes. Order is to life as Belief is to religion after all.)
MJD got the last conversation - hic! Long day and the tail end of a bottle of wine - I'm not surprised 'his pager went off'. I'm not hurt MJD - but if you are going to beat a hasty retreat - then at least put some effort into the excuse! Who has a pager these days? Really!
But it sounds like all is well back home, and all is well here - a few wines and dinner with the Jones Girl tonight reminded me of what life was like. The Toast Festival (massive Kiwi
piss up cultural festival this weekend with Boy et al) - things are looking up.
Bedtime, before I each for the mobile and start texting ex's!